新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控通知二号 -九游游戏app
1. 即日取消二月在湖北省举办的各类雅思考试,向相关考生全额退还考费至其个人报名账户。考生可自1月31日开始申请退费兑现;
2. 对于已报考湖北省之外各地考点的考生,可登录个人账户自主选择取消1月31日和2月任何已报考的考试并获得全额退费至个人报名账户,并可自1月31日开始申请退费兑现;
3. 我们将密切关注国家相关部门、各地政府和考点所在单位疫情防控措施的动态并及时配合动态更新报名和考试的安排。
ielts notice no.2
on containing the spread of novel-coronavirus pneumonia
following directives of the chinese government and in consultation with the british council, we will apply further measures to contain the spread of novel-coronavirus pneumonia and safeguard the health of ielts test takers and test administration staff. the measures are as follows:
1. all ielts tests in hubei province in february are cancelled with immediate effect. a full test fee will be credited to test takers’ neea account, and test takers can apply to transfer the money to their bank account from 31 jan.
2. test takers who have registered for tests outside of hubei province can log onto their neea account and cancel their test scheduled for 31 january and february. a full refund will be credited to their neea account and test takers can apply to transfer the money to their bank account from 31 jan.
3. we will pay close attention to the latest updates of anti-epidemic measures issued by relevant central and local government agencies and the institutions hosting the ielts test, and adjust our registration and testing arrangements accordingly and in a timely manner.
25 jan 2020
- 考生服务